
The museum of broken people explores how past personal experiences shape a person's inner world in the present.

Experiences which accumulate and shape for each of us “the museum of the self” housed in the space of the body.
The piece aims to discover the possibilities of this museum, through movement, what are the memories engraved in the body-mind complex? How can we represent the traces of these significant events in our lives, one next to the other?

The public rehearsals, presented and hosted by Abou Lagraa and/or Nawal Aït Benalla, co-director of Cie La Baraka / La Chapelle, are an invitation to meet the dance and the artists who created it!

Rates / opening


Free. By registration by email.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 18:30 p.m. to 19:30 p.m.