
Rassemblement de véhicules anciens de prestige ou d'exception : avec en journée balade, exposition de nombreux véhicules sur parc, balade au road book, animation diverses, concert John Logan et restauration. Lalouvesc est un village labellisé FFVE.

This is a gathering of old vehicles which attracted nearly 150 participants. It's a day that is meant to be festive and friendly.
In the morning, an usher takes the drivers of these exceptional cars for a road book trip (not obligatory) on small Ardèche roads.
To take away: fast food (sausages, fries, pancakes).
Marquees (heated if necessary) will be available for comfortable lunch.
In short... a busy day with rural atmosphere and decor in this small village of Lalouvesc. The role of the Festival Committee is to promote its village, to make it known and also to arouse the desire to return and taste its pleasant living environment and of course... its regional products.

Working Languages

  • French

Rates / opening

Admission fees

Full price: Registration per car, Reduced price: Cold meal.

Payment by check to the Festival Committee BP16 07520 Lalouvesc.


Sunday 6 April 2025 at 8 pm.
Departure of the ride freely and in complete autonomy.