
As part of the cultural meetings of Saint-Joseph de Cance, conference proposed by Mathieu Gounon and the association “Foulons et Palissons.

Mathieu Gounon became known through a reference work, Tanneries et mégisseries d'Annonay 1815-2015 (Maurice-Boulle Prize).
Born and residing in Annonay, holder of a Master 2 in History, a time worker at the Marcel-Dumas parchment factory, Mathieu today works at the Tannery of the city of Montgolfier as a supervisor.

“Protection, safeguarding and dissemination of the history and material and intangible heritage of artisanal and industrial skin and leather working activities in Annonay and Ardèche”, such is the objective of “Foulons et palissons”, a new association. born in early December 2023.

Rates / opening




Saturday 12 October 2024 from 17 a.m. to 20 p.m.